Families come in all shapes and sizes and the Church rejoices when people find love with each other. There is a service, Holy Matrimony, which is appropriate for creating and blessing the union between a man and a woman with the intention that it be lifelong and will exclude other sexual relationships within the marriage. If you have suffered the pain of a divorce the Church can provide a special celebration of Blessing and Celebration at the beginning of your new relationship. The Church doesn’t yet sanction the marriage of gay people but if you wish to have your Civil Partnership celebrated, the Church will work with you, in consultation with the Bishop, to provide a joyful and appropriate thanksgiving of your union.
Whatever your personal circumstances, the clergy will work closely with you to produce a liturgy which will reflect and celebrate your love for each other. Marriage preparation consists of three evenings spent together in planning over dinner and a rehearsal before the celebration.
At a marriage service
- The bride (often with her father), and the groom (often with his best man) will join the Priest at the altar in the presence of their family and friends. The Priest will welcome everyone and usually a hymn is sung. Sometimes friends of the couple give readings from the Holy Bible or other sources.
- The Priest will ask anyone in the congregation, and the couple, if they know of any reason why the marriage should not take place
- He will ask the couple to join their hands and to make their marriage vows to each other. He will bless the wedding rings and the couple will place rings on each other’s fingers as a sign of commitment.
- He will bless their marriage and, with his stole, tie a knot around their right hands to symbolize that they are now “one flesh”. He will invite the couple to show their love with a kiss.
- The couple, two witnesses and the Priest will sign the marriage registers before the couple leaves the church to celebrate with family and friends.
Forms you may need?
If you are interested in this service, the following forms will need to be downloaded and completed.
Please note, there is one form for each church within the parish.
Once completed, please return either by email or by post.
More information?
If you are interested in Holy Matrimony at either St Saviour’s or St Mary’s please download the Banns of Marriage form for the church you would like to be married at. If you are getting married in a church outside of this parish you are required to have your Banns of Marriage read at both the church you are to be married in AND at the church whose Parish you reside in. If you would like to enquire about a service of blessing following a Civil Registration of Marriage or a Civil Partnership Ceremony please contact the Parish Office on 020 7723 7266